My Approach Regenerative Replenish with more than what was used in order to build healthy and resilient systems. Research Backed Couple practice with in-depth research to cultivate cultures of reflection and co-learning. Accountable Prioritize a thorough understanding of what stakeholders a process or initiative is accountable —taking into account the past, the present, and the future. Practical Create resources that are accessible, needed, and actionable. Relational Prioritize relationships for their own sake, versus as a means to an end. Cultivate a relational worldview. Sacred Take time to include ritual, awe, and grounded connectedness in ways that enchant life. Biomimic Learn with and listen to non-human ecology and biology in exploring systems design. Imaginative Embrace practices of imagination and take the time to dream into the possible, beautiful details of beloved futures. Weave the details of possible futures with the present.